Coding Games, Tips & Tricks: How to Encourage Your Kids to Keep Coding
Published on Mar 19, 2021 by Paul
Over the next decade, computing careers are expected to grow by over 11 percent. In this digital age, computers are part of our everyday life, so why don't we all know how to communicate with them?
Coding isn't something that everyone wants to do, but it's something that anyone can do — including kids. But how do you go about teaching them?
While you probably wouldn't present that statistic to a five-year-old and tell them about the career possibilities, you can hand them coding games. You can also learn different tips and tricks to help them along the way.
Read on to learn a few of the best ways to encourage your children to keep learning code.
Emphasize CreativityA huge thing you can do to encourage your kids is to emphasize the creativity that comes with coding. Yes, it's a very practical skill to have, but it's also one that offers unlimited opportunities.
Like children are encouraged to build something with Legos, or to pick up a pen or paintbrush to express their creativity, they also can find a similar outlet with coding.
When you can capture this concept for your children, they're naturally going to be intrigued, but you shouldn't force things. Again, coding isn't something that everyone wants to do, but it's something that every child should have an opportunity to learn.
Encourage ExplorationOnce you've grabbed their attention, it's time to encourage them to explore the subject in its entirety. Depending on their age, there are going to be different skills they can build upon. Learning to code isn't a one-size-fits-all subject, so the pace they move and what they want to learn is going to depend completely upon them.
A great way for them to begin exploring is coding games for kids.
Tap Into Their PassionsKnowing how to encourage kids to code is a tricky thing, but knowing what they love is a great way to start.
For video game lovers, Minecraft modding is perfect. If they love sports, they can create a website to track their favorite sports teams. If it's robots, there are lots of robots they can put together and then build a code that allows them to dance, talk, and even tell jokes.
The possibilities are endless here, but so is coding.
Build Upon Those PassionsThe best thing about those passions is that they can often be turned into careers. No matter what your child shows an interest in, it's possible to carry that skillset throughout their entire life.
Once your child taps into and begins fostering their passion in any aspect of coding, it's up to you to help them better the skill so they carry as far as they can.
Learn With ThemKids enjoy learning alongside others, and that can include you too! Whether you already know how to code or have never even experienced HTML, there is a lot you can learn.
In doing this, you create a new experience for you and your child, and that can make them more motivated to keep going for the long haul. You also teach yourself a new, highly-sought-after skill to carry with you to work or in your creative ventures.
While there are plenty of free resources for adults online, you can also ask your child to teach what they've learned in their class each week. Not only are you learning something new, but you're helping them to strengthen their understanding of the subject as a whole.
As you two learn together, you can also problem-solve together. When class isn't in session or a teacher isn't around to help, you have the chance to help them solve things as they come up.
Speak the LanguageIf you haven't heard code referred to as a language before, you should know that that's exactly what it is. Just like humans communicate with each other in specific ways, we communicate with machines in a specific way.
To keep your child motivated, even if you're not learning code yourself, it's wise to learn their lingo.
PythonPython is a common coding language and is used in many real-world situations. Here are few common websites that were written with Python:
There are plenty more where that came from, but Python isn't only used for website development. It can also be used for game development.
Common things they're going to learn about with Python are basic I/O operations, loops, functions, lists, and even debugging techniques and how they apply to different projects.
HTML, JavaScript, CSSThese three languages are often used in tandem with one another.
On a basic level, HTML is used to structure a website and its presentation. JavaScript is most commonly used to responsive, interactive elements to many webpages, and CSS is most commonly used to describe these pages and their presentation. It also adapts these webpages to different screen sizes, whether it be a phone or a TV screen.
These languages are also used by many professionals.
Turn Coding Games Into a Study HabitObviously, kids don't need to associate their coding games with studying, but that's exactly what it is. By viewing games, tips, and other tricks as a subject they're studying, it becomes easier — as a parent — to embed that habit into their routine.
Whether you've enrolled them in a coding summer camp or added it to their curriculum during the school year, consistency is key, and it's going to become a part of their daily or weekly routine.
If you haven't quite decided if learning to code is right for your child, you can check out seven of the best benefits here.
If you want to enroll your children in Spring/Summer coding camps or even a curriculum they can grow with over time, sign up with Coding With Kids to get started.